This seems to have been fixed by one of the patches. For AI, this is speculated to be a pathing error, but for the player, it may occur when flying close to a tornado. Planes and aircraft will occasionally do cartwheels or spin around very quickly. Then click on "VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES." Then Steam checks the game files and replaces any that seem to be corrupt. Standard thing to try in case of major reoccurring glitches with the PC Steam version: Open the Steam main window and then click on the "LIBRARY" tab at the top. Some of them are rare and may be difficult to reproduce. Keep in mind that not everyone will necessarily encounter each of these. Things are marked as " semi-resolved" if a solution works in only some cases, or if the problem keeps reappearing. Things are marked as " resolved" if they have at least one confirmed solution.

Just Cause 4 already has a number of patches (see Just Cause 4 Patch history), but not everything is fixed yet.

22 Duplicate factory in supply drop menu.18 Melee attack on a vehicle kills driver.17 Semi-transparent duplicate object in a mission cut-scene.15 Tank tracks spin in wrong directions.8 Game gets stuck when customizing controls.3 Some game setting keep resetting themselves.