Cassie Cage Endurance Cassie Cage: is in the Krypt, the first area you enter, near the back (-1, 10). MKXL is no doubt a fine fighting game, but how about tossing patient PC players a bone, NetherRealm Studios? It hit PC nine months after it was announced for home consoles.We also have a guide for choosing Alternate Color Scheme For Costumes. NetherRealm Studios' nickel-and-dime tactics are on full display here, as well as with the microtransaction-riddled original MKX game. The included Kombat Pack costumes are pretty stylish, such as Shinnok's samurai wardrobe and the MK alumni's original costumes, but I wish that they were available as in-game unlockables in the base game and not part of this $19.99/$39.99 update. In a nice touch, NetherRealm Studios lets people who own vanilla MKX to download the new netcode for free. It greatly reduces lag, so online bouts are now much smoother and enjoyable experiences.

Netcode and Gear Fans who've yearned for NetherRealm Studios to repair MKX's hit-or-miss online play will love MKXL's much-improved netcode. Mika in Street Fighter V, and gives him the ability to teleport using Camp Crystal Lake's mists. It transforms him into a swift grappler that's similar to R. Jason is incredibly fun to use in all three variations, but my favorite is Relentless. His combat variations include Relentless (which enhances his grapple combos), Unstoppable (which increases his stats for a period of time and offers a resurrection move to continue fighting after dying), and Slasher (which equips him with his iconic machete). On the other hand, Jason-the bloodletting star of the Friday the 13th films-is an intriguing close-quarters fighter who uses grapples and stat boosts to dominate opponents. In this review, I'm focusing on the updated feature set, which includes new fighters, netcode, and costumes. Regardless of how you buy MKXL, you'll enjoy the best version of NetherRealm's thrilling and gory one-on-one PC fighting game.

If you're buying into the MKX series for the first time, you can nab the entire package for $39.99. If you already own vanilla MKX, a game that I reviewed earlier this year, you can upgrade to MKXL for $19.99. Price and Characters You can get MKXL in one of two ways. I dislike the idea of paying more money for PC content released long after the console version, but it's hard not to love the "new" additions. Thankfully, that changed with the Mortal Kombat XL update, a version of MKX that gives PC gamers all the extras that console-based fight fans have enjoyed for some time now. However, the High Voltage Studios-ported PC game received zero post-launch support, much to the dismay of hardcore Mortal Kombat fans. When NeatherRealm Studios released Mortal Kombat X to consoles in 2015, the game continued to evolve via free and paid updates that added characters, balanced the roster, and improved the online play.